Day: January 4, 2023

Here are 5 tips to keep your carpet clean this fall

The autumn season is full of colorful festivities and opportunities to spend time with your loved ones. This can bring a number of additions to your to-do list, and more concerns about dirt and stains on your floor.

Carpets are most affected by the moisture and dirt tracked in the cold months. The good news is, Bloomington Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning can help clean up the carpet in Bloomington, MN.

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We invite you to enjoy leaving your floor in the hands of our cam-dry team in the autumn season. And in between our visits, here are some pro tips to keep your carpet clean.

# 1 – Vacuum Carpet Weekly – or more.

It may seem easy to vacuum the carpet regularly, but its importance cannot be overstated. Regular vacuuming removes dirt, dust, and allergens from the bay and removes particles from carpet fibers

# 2 – Be aware of the dirt track.

A great way to reduce carpet stains is to put mats at the entrance and take off your shoes before walking on the carpet.

# 3 – Use doormats and rugs

Strategically place rugs in entrances and other high-traffic areas to help protect your carpet.

# 4 – Treat spots quickly.
Stains are much more likely to be completely removed when you work fast. At the first sight of spots, treat them while they are fresh.

# 5 – Routine carpet cleaning schedule.

Professional carpet cleaning is essential for maintaining the carpet. Aim to clean your carpet at least once a year or as needed during each season.

Carpet cleaning in Bloomington, MN…